Student in electrical engineering lab.

Computer Engineering

Innovation is key in the steadily growing computer engineering field. Our graduates are prepared for R&D, and fields, ranging from movie special effects to nanotechnology.

Graduate | Undergraduate

Electrical Engineering

Contribute to the 21st century in technological areas that you can only begin to imagine. From communications to signal processing, the department can prepare you to transform society.

Graduate | Undergraduate

Robotics Engineering

Understand the “why” of robots and autonomous machines in a variety of settings beyond industry and manufacturing. Apply these principles to vehicles, machinery, microcontrollers, and other robotic systems.


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Students determine a flexible mix of coursework in electrical and computer engineering, engineering from related fields, physical sciences, and computer science.


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"Electrical engineering and computer science is the number one highest paying college major in 2022 at $119,200 early-career median pay."CBS News reporting on Payscale